Working from home is a big step towards sustainable living. Not only do you massively reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating your morning and afternoon commute, but you also save
office space, resources, and plastic!
However, that doesn’t mean that the job here is done: there are always more ways to ensure that you’re leading an eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle no matter where you are. Here are our
tried-and-tested tips on how to stay green while working from home:
Mind Your AC Living without air-conditioning in a hot country like the UAE is simply not an option, especially in the scorching summer months. However, AC units release thousands of pounds of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere, further worsening the air quality and majorly contributing to pollution.
A simple way to battle this problem is by adjusting your thermostat a degree or two up in the summer months. This action alone will save up to 2,000 pounds of CO2 every year!
Another solution would be investing in an energy efficient thermostat that automatically saves energy whenever possible.
Snack Smarter When your workstation is only a few steps away from the kitchen, it’s inevitable that you’ll find yourself taking hourly breaks to open your fridge for snacks and cold water and drinks.
But did you know that simply opening and closing your fridge door is detrimental to the environment?
Instead, keep glass reusable jars filled with healthy nuts or dried fruits near your desk to sustain your snacking habits in an eco-friendly way.
Choose the Right Water Bottle Staying hydrated is key to staying healthy and productive throughout the day. While plastic water bottles are easy to grab-and-go from the fridge, they are one of the key contributors to landfill overflow and ocean pollution worldwide.
Investing in a vacuum-insulated stainless steel reusable water bottle is the perfect way to keep your drinks cool throughout the day while staying eco-friendly while working from home.
Go Green When Decorating Recent studies conducted by NASA have shown that having plants in your indoor space can help reduce pollutants by up to 87%.
So when choosing what to decorate your home office with, go green! Some indoor plants that withstand hot climates include Aloe Vera plants, Ficus trees and Snake plants. Not only will your
workspace look beautiful, but it will smell and feel beautiful too.
Unplug and Switch Off Not only is this a good tip for your mental health, but also a great tip for staying green while working from home.
While switching off your laptop at the end of the day saves energy, keeping anything like chargers, desk lamps, or even printers plugged to the electricity outlet definitely does not.
Devices that are left plugged into electricity outlets still draw out electricity, even when switched off! This is often referred to as “Vampire energy”. Not only does this waste electricity and put an unnecessary burden on the environment, it also hikes up your electricity bill! Instead, go green while working from home and unplug all electronic devices at the end of the day. That way, both you and the environment can take a break in the evening.