Hospitality Solutions

Sparkling water dispensers to cater for all tastes and occasions. Freestanding and counter top dispenser options from our mains-fed system for limitless water supply
- Introducing Water that doesn’t cost the Earth, through in-house water refilling solution ensures you are no longer reliant on external water bottle suppliers and associated the storage costs. In turn becoming less dependent on recycling and waste management companies – reducing your carbon footprint and maximising your guests experience.
- Hotel Rooms
- From Sparkling water dispensers, to bottle washers to branded bottles, from storage to delivery equipment we provide the full turnkey solution.
- Unlimited supply of still, sparkling and room temperature water, no storage, allows extra exposure for profitable / premium brands. Ideal for buffets and high footfall guest and staff areas. Options for both front and back of house. Coudl we have the Folly and Reform links under resturants and lounges please
- Plastic bottle free meeting – Strategically placed high volume contactless dispensers ensuring all thirsts are catered for without the administrative and cost headache of bulk orders and mass waste.High volume options available for large events.
- Access to unlimited branded hydration stations, focused on keeping our beaches clean of plastic for future generations to enjoy.